Plumbing System

HOMSO HDPE Water Supply Piping System Underground

 HDPE pipe features a service life of over 100 years and has the versatility to perform in a variety of conditions. HDPE pipe provides a logical, low-maintenance investment in municipal and private potable water applications.

  • Leak-free Fused Joints: Hot melting or Elecrical fusion.
  • Chemical Resistance. 
  • Durability and Flexibility.
  • Extreme Surge Tolerance. 


Classification: Plumbing System

Guangzhou Potable Water Line Extension Solution

HOMSO manufactured the necessary 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, 12- and 14- inch HDPE pipe for the pipeline project. By choosing HDPE pipe, the district was able to increase the strength of the system, reduce the possibility of leaking at joints, and limit future maintenance activity while reducing installed cost. The properties of HDPE pipe also assisted with the installation of the pipeline due to the curving nature of the ditch (flexibility), remote location (less large equipment) and with the fact that the pipeline route followed an old ditch which meant encountering many boulders and rocks, some as large as cars (durability). Fusing was done using certified fusing technicians with data logs and records kept on every fusion joint.