Industrial News

Guangdong Xiongsu Technology Group Co., Ltd. "Young Love" Queens Festival

28 Jul, 2022


2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 111th anniversary of the "March 8th" International Working Women's Day. In order to harmonize the corporate culture, demonstrate humanistic care, enrich the amateur cultural life of female employees, and let the majority of female employees have a healthy, happy, warmly and unforgettable festival, Guangdong Xiongsu Technology Co., Ltd. organized female employees on March 6, 2021. "Young Years" Queen's Day Floral Lecture and Live Flower Arrangement.

On the day of the event, the scene was warmly decorated with ribbons. We invited Mr. Zhang Youxing, the lecturer of the flower arrangement project for members of the Town Federation of Trade Unions, to explain to us the knowledge of flower art, including composition, color matching, layers, etc., as well as flower maintenance and other knowledge. All smiles, people are more delicate than flowers, and the scene is filled with a lively and joyful atmosphere.

Through this activity, female employees not only relax their mind and body, enrich their spiritual life, but also enhance their cohesion and sense of belonging. The activity was supported by the company's leaders, and won unanimous praise and recognition from the employees, creating a good corporate culture and a civilized atmosphere in the group.

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